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Asian Pacific Music and Dance at The Arts HUB!

April 8, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join us for an evening of music and dance from the Asian South Pacific! Featuring the hula dancing of Keaka O’Kalani and the shimmering sound of the Balinese gamelan, this evening promises to be a delightful cultural immersion!

What is hula dancing? Hula is a mimetic dance form. The dance moves are meant to represent different things, people, or places. Put together, the dance moves create a story told through dance. Originally a religious dance performed on the islands of Hawai’i, hula has spread across the world.

What is a gamelan? A gamelan is the traditional orchestra ensemble of the islands of Bali and Java, in Indonesia. It consists of various gongs, drums, and tuned metal percussive instruments, and, depending on the size of the gamelan, can be played by one or multiple players. The gamelan is used in religious ceremonies, to accompany theatrical performances, and is played on its own for entertainment.

The Arts HUB Music Series delights and inspires audiences with performances of classic and traditional music from around the world.

Tickets are $25, available at