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Yoga Workshop: Yoga for Skiers

March 13, 2022

What’s the secret to feeling your best on the slopes? Cross-training! Join us for an all-levels yoga workshop specifically targeted at engaging and stretching the muscle groups used in alpine and Nordic skiing. We will begin with a gentle vinyasa flow to warm the body, transitioning into a series of deep yin stretches to fortify the connective tissues, a fantastic way to build resilience and prevent injury. Not only will you walk away from class feeling deeply restored, but you will also walk away with the tools to know how to properly warm up and cool down after a long day on the slopes. This workshop is specifically for winter athletes to understand the proper muscle stretches for injury prevention. Julia Woods, certified yoga instructor, will teach slowly, providing opportunities to stop, ask questions, and dive deeper into anatomy.


Bob L. Burger Recreation Center

Art Night Out

March 13, 2022

After a two-year hiatus, due to COVID-19 precautions, the City of Lafayette, ARTS!Lafayette, and Firsthand Markets are pleased to announce the dates for the 2022 Art Night Out summer festival series. This always-free public event is held on the second Friday of the month, May through Sept. 2022, from 5-9 pm. The event will follow all current, local COVID precautions as needed.

Location: Public Road between Emma and Cannon Streets

Picnic on the Plaza

March 13, 2022

Bring your own picnic and something to sit on, and join us at Picnic on the Plaza, featuring free, live music on the lawn. Each week will feature a different musician to suit a variety of tastes. Thursdays from noon to 1pm at 311 S. Public Road. 


Old Town Lafayette


Shop Small Saturday

March 13, 2022

Shop Small is a movement encouraging people to shop at local businesses. Each year, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, millions of individuals, businesses and communities have embraced this concept by supporting their local economy. Please make a point to shop locally this holiday season, and take advantage of these special offers on November 27.


Old Town Lafayette


Lafayette Quaker Oatmeal Festival

March 13, 2022

25th Annual Lafayette Quaker Oatmeal Festival is a popular family event focusing on healthy lifestyle. Unique festival includes an oatmeal breakfast and certified 5K. Oatmeal Breakfast @ Pioneer Elementary School, 101 E. Baseline Rd., 7:30 am-12:00 pm. Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Lafayette Chamber or at the door. Race registration includes breakfast ticket.

Annual Spot the Elf

March 13, 2022

Pick up a Spot the Elf booklet at select Old Town Lafayette businesses. Read the clues, find the elves and turn in your entry page at the Bob Burger Recreation Center with at least 15 found elves to be entered to win prizes!


Old Town Lafayette


Brew Festival

March 13, 2022

Exploring craft/microbrews one pour at a time! Come join us for Lafayette’s 8th annual Brew Fest featuring Micro and Craft Beers for sale from local area Breweries. No Entrance Fee. Tickets sold by 4 oz pours, Taste one or Taste them all. NEW THIS YEAR… A Curling Corner provided by Rock Creek Curling.